Refund Policy

Refund Policy

TelyPay Refund Guarantee covers most transactions on TelyPay. It means buyers can get their money back if an item didnt arrive, is faulty or damaged, or doesnt match the seller’s advertisement.

For a buyer’s transaction to be eligible for TelyPay’s Refund Guarantee:

  • The buyer must complete and pay for the purchase on the TelyPay platform using a credit card, a debit card at checkout;
  • The refund period is based on the merchant policy and its products.
  • Buyers must meet the requirements specified in this policy and in the merchant’s refund policy, including taking action within the required time frames;
  • TelyPay Refund Guarantee does not apply to any of the following:
  • Real Estate
  • Websites, or Businesses for Sale
  • Digital content, Intangible goods, non-fungible tokens (NFTs) including physical items combined with or attached to NFTs
  • Classified Ads
  • Services
  • Travel tickets or vouchers
  • Industrial equipment and heavy machinery
  • Motor vehicles, including recreational vehicles, aircraft, and boats
  • If a buyer seeks a refund through TelyPay, the buyer may not seek resolution for the same issue by any other resolution method.
  • Only one refund may be claimed for each purchased item.
  • A purchaser cannot cancel a refund once the seller has either made a refund or declines to do so.
  • The refund amount is the full purchase amount including the VAT.
  • The refund amount is transferred within 7 working days after approval.